School and Nature Center Visits

To inquire about a School or Nature Center visit, please email

I prefer to visit with children directly in their classrooms so that they get a more personal experience.

Soar offers the perfect launching pad for additional curriculum around conservation, migration and geography. The story is based on a fact of nature - that soon after young osprey learn how to fly and can therefore fish for themselves, their parents abandon them to migrate to South America. The young then get bigger and stronger and have to find their way to South America on their own.

As a result of conservation efforts, osprey have emerged from near extinction in the 1970s to thriving populations globally, offering students an opportunity to see what can happen when humans make an effort to help animals.

I also offer details about my writing process, including how I developed each character and share a story about a substantive change I made as a result of feedback from a focus group of 4th graders that read an early draft. Students that I visit with also love to offer me suggestions for a sequel to Soar!

I welcome emails and letters from children and do my very best to respond to each one. My mailing address is:

1376 Pequot Avenue

Southport, CT 06890

I also visit preschools to read Austin and Guthrie & Gretzky, where we talk about being a good friend and taking risks in order to grow.

β€œAll grown-ups were once children - but only few of them remember it.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery